Saturday, February 14, 2015

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - February 14, 2015

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
14 Feb, 2015
Featured on Radio Sai:
Why should we take good care of our body and mind? Bhagawan in His inimitable style, explains to us today the concept of body, mind and soul, and our duty.  

Audio Special:
"Service in the name of Sai - Seva in Malaysia - Dato J. Jegathesan - Part 1"

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H2H Special:
"Expressions of Love - III - A Valentine's Card for Swami"

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Watch the Live Video Webcast of the Cultural Programme by the Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini Schools at 5 p.m. (IST) Today on our Website

To be able to experience the aspects of knowledge and bliss, we should protect our body, mind and life. Consider this example: We store valuable jewels and gems in our homes, in a relatively cheap iron safe to protect them. The steel almirah or an iron safe has no value compared to the jewels, but they are good enough to protect them. So too, our body is like the valueless iron safe. In this valueless, perishable body, God has kept for protection, very valuable things like knowledge and bliss. We all understand that valuable jewels cannot be protected by a valuable gold box, as the box itself can be stolen with the jewels in no time. Hence it is natural to protect valuable things in a valueless box which will not attract attention. Therefore, to reach the realm of knowledge, bliss and happiness it is necessary to look after the well-being of the outer casing namely, body, mind and life. 

- Summer Showers in Brindavan, Ch 3, 22 May 1973.

Sathya Sai Baba
Reform the body, reconstruct the mind, regulate the way of living, then, nations will become automatically strong and prosperous. - Baba


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