Friday, November 07, 2014

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - November 08, 2014

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
08 Nov, 2014
Featured on Radio Sai:
What is the significance of Akhanda Bhajan? What is the result of such devoted singing? Bhagawan lovingly instructs us today.  

Audio Special:
"Love to Love - a musical selection and conversation with Mr. T. V. Hariharan - first aired live on 27 Mar 2014"

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H2H Special:
"Heart 2 Heart Quiz On
Akhanda Bhajans"

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Sathya Sai Baba

Akhanda Bhajan involves constant contemplation on God in the morning, evening or even during the night time. No doubt, many people today are repeating the holy name; but not with love and steady faith. Some are concerned about how others are singing, whether their tune is in order, etc. This equates to doing namasankirtan with a wavering mind; no transformation will occur with such namasankirtan, despite doing it for hours together. It must be done with absolute concentration and steady faith to achieve transformation. To attain purity that pulverizes all negativity, it is not enough if chanting of the divine name is confined to a limited period. Hence global Akhanda Bhajan is held for 24 hours, every year. Consider yourself very fortunate to participate in an Akhanda Bhajan. If only you make good use of it, your life will be sanctified. Practice Namasmarana and make it a continuous spiritual exercise throughout your life.

- Divine Discourse, 13 Nov 2007.

Chanting the Lord’s name is essential for crossing the turbulent ocean of life. - Baba


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