Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - September 10, 2014

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi  Nilayam
10 Sep, 2014  
Featured on Radio Sai:
What is the relevance of Anapekshah (desirelessness) in our daily lives, given the present times? Is it practical? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today.  

Audio Special:
"Afternoon Satsang - Sathyam Shivam Sundaram - Episode 5 - first aired live on 23 May 2013"

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H2H Special:
"His Story - Comic Series
Chapter 10 - Anjaneya
Swami Temple

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Sathya Sai Baba

Is it possible for anyone in this world to be free of any desire and expectation? Not quite! Some things (material and sensual) may be attractive to some persons and some big aims (non-physical and transcendental) may interest others. Almost all desires fall into one of the above categories. Then how is it possible to get rid of both kinds of desires? This is possible! In the Gita, the Lord has declared that He is present in all righteous actions. Therefore those who perform righteous actions can develop anapeksha (desirelessness). This means that when a man performs all actions as offerings to the Lord, they become desireless actions. The Lord is the One who from within, makes one act, speak, listen, see, etc. If a person performs all actions with the conviction that the indwelling Lord is the real Doer, then the actions become desireless. Hence to begin with every sadhaka should regard one’s actions as offerings to the Divine.

- Divine Discourse, August 30, 1993.

Have no desires to place before God, for whatever He does with you and however He treats you, is the gift He likes best to give you! - Baba


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