Thursday, June 26, 2014

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - June 27, 2014

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
27 June, 2014
Featured on Radio Sai:
How can we tame the mind? Bhagawan gently and lovingly puns on the words and explains a great truth in a memorable manner.  

Audio Special:
"Fleeting Moments - Lasting Memories
- Ms. Lata Ramesh - Part 1"

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H2H Special:
"Sai Seva -Inspiring Sai
Seva in Taiwan

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Sathya Sai Baba

What manifests externally is called ‘Manas’ (Mind). That which is internal is ‘Nama’ (The Name of the Lord). Repeating the Name of the Lord, you can gain control over your mind and attain the state where there is no Mind (Amanaska). As long as you are under the influence of your mind, you will tread the worldly path and get lost. You can clearly hear the voice of the Lord, only when you attain the 'No Mind' State. To attain that state, you must listen to the inner voice, the voice of the Lord within you. To hear Him, you must practice Devotion and Surrender. The easiest way to understand and experience God is to Love Him. You can easily grow in love for God, by worshipping Him in a specific form. A true devotee does all duties with total surrender only to please God, and dedicates every action to please Him.

My Dear Students, Vol 3, Ch 7, Jul 9, 1989.

Keep the name of the Lord always radiant on your tongue and mind, it will keep the antics of the mind under control. - Baba.


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