Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - December 19, 2013

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi  Nilayam
19 Dec, 2013  
Featured on Radio Sai:
If we were to become students of Nature we can learn much. Bhagawan explains this with a few simple examples.  

Audio Special:
"Divine Discourse on 21 Aug 1986 during the inauguration of the
MBA program"

Click Here to Listen Now


H2H Special:
"My Joy: As I celebrate Christmas and New Year"

Click Here to Read Now


Man can learn any number of good qualities from animals, birds, insects and worms. The animal, donkey is viewed with contempt. But the quality of patience to be found in a donkey is not found even in man. Whatever burdens may be heaped on its back, it bears them all with forbearance. Even when it is starved of food and water, it presents a calm face. Man has thus to learn the quality of forbearance from the donkey. The ant is one of the tiniest among insects. But the ant has a capacity for foresight; with foreknowledge of the rainy season ahead, it starts storing food from three months in advance. Then, there is the spider - Determination is one of its traits. How many times its web may be destroyed or broken, the spider will go on remaking it with relentless determination.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 13, 1997.

Sathya Sai Baba
A person can be called truly human, if they possess the qualities of calmness, forbearance and compassion. - Baba


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