Thursday, October 04, 2012

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - October 05, 2012

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5 October, 2012  
Featured on Radio Sai:
What needs to be given more importance in the present times to ensure peace and joy? Baba explains to us today.  

Audio Special:
"Tryst with Divinity - Conversation with Mr.Nimish Pandya and Mrs.Kamala Pandya - 2

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H2H Special:
"A Unique Experience of ‘Liquid Love’ - Service at the Blood Bank in SSSIHMS

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sathya sai baba

The tree of life can yield the fruit of bliss only when it is watered with virtue and fed on faith. Provision of food, clothing, and shelter will not ensure peace and joy; they can come only through virtue and faith. Virtue alone can endow love and sympathy. We are now putting the cart (the body) before the horse (mind) and providing for the safety and strength of the cart alone. The horse (mind) is allowed to grow wild or is starved. Harmony at home and in society can be brought about only through the recognition of the Oneness of All. Virtues alone can endow love and sympathy, peace and joy for one and all.

- Divine Discourse, Aug 3, 1966.

Cultivate not riches, not comforts and luxuries, but divine virtues. - Baba


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