Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - June 24, 2012

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24 June, 2012
Featured on Radio Sai:
How can we discriminate between good and bad, and at the same time treat all alike? Bhagawan clarifies today.  

Audio Special:
"Interviews by Gene Massey about Sai Seva in Africa - Malawi

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H2H Special:
"Multi-Faith Quiz on the
Spirit of Sacrifice"

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sathya sai baba

You must use your intelligence to discover what is best under the circumstances and in the situation, considering the status and the profession which you have won. The barber should not treat all things equal and use his razor to peel vegetables, cut pencils and paper, bamboos and beards alike. Each instrument has its own special use and purpose; every individual has some skills and responsibilities. The king should be treated as a king and the farmer as a farmer. But make sure your activities leave no scar on your faith in Unity. Though in principle all is Brahmam, in dealing with them in day-to-day activity, you cannot follow the non-dual approach. There should be Bhaava-adhwaitha, not Karma-adhwaitha, that is to say, the underlying faith should be in the Unity of all, though the outer activity may be different for varied entiti es.

- Divine Discourse, May 23, 1965

True spirituality consists in promoting unity through harmonious living and
sharing joy with one and all. - Baba



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