Creation involves the putting together of substances. What is put together must come apart in course of time and get liberated. The individual is created and so one day he has to perish. Now, some are born happy; they enjoy healthy, happy lives, while some others are born miserable. A few others are born with physical or mental deformities. Who hurt them or injured them? God is not the cause for these differences. When a particular task is done again and again, it becomes a habit, a skill; is it not? Therefore, the skill or habit that a new-born exhibits must be due to constant repetition indulged long ago. The suffering, misery, handicap or health and happiness are the consequence of the acts indulged in by the individual in previous lives. Hence, eschew violence. All must live together in peace and harmony, without causing or suffering injury.
- Sathya Sai Vahini, Chap 3, "The One Alone".
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