Monday, May 31, 2010

Sai Inspires - 1st June 2010 from Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

What is an effective strategy to the gigantic problems of the world? The Divine Master lovingly reveals a powerful solution today.

Have you read the article,
"The Importance of Being Compassionate"

Click here to do it now.


Sai Inspires - 1st June 2010


Evil qualities such as hatred, envy, greed and ostentation should be uprooted. These traits are vitiating not only common people but even ascetics, monks and heads of institutions. Among these, envy and greed have gone unchecked. What the world needs today is not a new order, a new educational system, a new society or a new religion. Holiness must take root and grow in the minds and hearts of youth and children everywhere: this is the need of the hour. The good and godly must endeavour to promote this as the greatest Sadhana (spiritual practice) that everyone must undertake.

-Vidya Vahini, Chap X.

See Good, Be Good and Do Good.  This is the way to God. - Baba

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sai Inspires - 31st May 2010 from Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

Why should we care deeply about sacrificing selfish desires? Swami lovingly explains to us today.

Have you read the story
"God, Is That You"? 

Click here to read now.


Sai Inspires - 31st May 2010

One's selfish needs have to be sacrificed. There must be constant efforts to do good to others. Your desire should be to establish the welfare of the world. With all these feelings at heart, you must meditate on the Lord. This is the right path. If great men and those in authority are thus engaged in the service of humanity and in promoting the welfare of the world, the thieves of passion, hatred, pride, jealousy, envy and conceit will not invade the minds of common people; the values such as Right Conduct, Mercy, Truth, Love, Knowledge and Wisdom will be safe from harm. The six internal foes called the Arishadvargas can be uprooted only by the teachings of great souls, love for God, knowledge of the Lord and the company of the holy and the great.

- Prema Vahini, Chapter "The Qualities a Sadhaka Should Cultivate."


Laziness is rust and dust.  Realization is rest and Best. - Baba

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sai Inspires - 30th May 2010 from Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

In these troubled times, how can we accomplish peace and joy for all?  Swami lovingly shows the path to us today.

Did you read the article,
"Musings on Awareness - Part-04"?

Click here to read now.


Sai Inspires - 30th May 2010


People have now become more vicious than ever. They utilize their intelligence and skills to indulge in cruelty. They relish and revel in inflicting pain on others so much that as history reveals, around 15,000 wars have been waged in the last 5,500 years. The impending atomic war threatens to destroy the entire human race. What exactly is the cause of all this anxiety and fear? It is clear that the beast in the human being is still predominant and has not yet been overcome. Only when this is achieved can our country attain peace and joy.

- Vidya  Vahini Chapter 9.

Service is the best school for training in Leadership. - Baba

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Friday, May 28, 2010

Sai Inspires - 29th May 2010 from Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

Why is there a dearth in experiencing holiness, unlike how it was in the past?  Swami drives home a powerful lesson today.

Did you try the Discourse Quiz on the Glory of Motherhood??

Click here to read now.


Sai Inspires - 29th May 2010


For fire to increase or decrease, fuel is the only cause. The more the quantity of fuel, brighter will be the illumination. Fire has the power to give light by its very nature. So too, in the fire of intellect of the spiritual aspirant, the fuel that produces renunciation, peacefulness, truth, kindness, forbearance and selfless service has to be constantly fed so that the light of wisdom is produced. The more ‘fuel’ placed, the more the efficacious and effulgent the spiritual practitioners will become. Only trees growing on fertile soil can yield good harvest. Trees which grow on saline soils will bear only poor yield. So also, it is only in hearts that are unsullied can holy feelings, divine power and gifts shine in splendour.

-Prema Vahini,  Chap. The Harvest of a Sadhaka.

The Unseen is the basis of all that is Seen. Practise to see the Hand of God, everyday. - Baba

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sai Inspires - 28th May 2010 from Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

Why should we focus on salvation, here and now?  The Divine Master explains to us today.

Did you learn the bhajan,
"Janani Sai Devi Dayamayi"?

Click here to try now.


Sai Inspires - May 28, 2010


For political or other reasons, some persons are arrested and kept in detention in order to preserve law and order of the country. They are kept confined in big bungalows and given special treatment as befits their status and provided meals and also luxury articles as commensurate with their grades in social and political life. However, around the bungalow and the garden, there are always policemen on guard.  Whatever be the standard of life enjoyed by the prisoner, he is not a free man. So too, a  person confined in the ‘prison’ of the world should not be feel elated over the sensual comforts he/she can enjoy. He/she must not feel proud of their friends and kinsmen around but must recognize and keep in mind that he/she is in prison.

- Vidya Vahini, Chap 9 .

Make the world a happy home of love. - Baba

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Sai Inspires - 27th May 2010 from Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam and greetings on the occasion of Buddha Poornima.

What is the right code of conduct prescribed for all of us? Swami lovingly explains to us today.

Did you read the article,
"The Importance of Being Compassionate"
in our site

Click here to read now.


Sai Inspires - 27th May 2010


Everyone should lead their life so that no pain is caused by them to any living being. That is the supreme duty. Also, it is the duty of everyone who has had the chance of this human birth to spare a part of their energies occasionally for prayer and repetition of the Lord's Name. One must devote oneself to a life of truth, righteousness, peace and good works which are of service to others. One must be afraid of doing acts that are harmful to others or deeds that are sinful, just as one is afraid to touch fire or disturb a cobra. One must have as much attachment and steadfastness in carrying out good works, in making others happy and in worshipping the Lord, as one now has in accumulating gold and riches. This is the Dharma (duty) of every being.

-Prema Vahini, Chap "The harvest of a Sadhaka".

Start the day with Love, Fill the day with Love, End the day with Love.  This is the way to God. - Baba

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sai Inspires - 26th May 2010 from Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

What is the secret to achieve victory in our endeavours?  Swami kindly gives us the answers today.

Did you read the story,
"Healed by His Love"
at our site

Click here to read now.


Sai Inspires - 26th May 2010


Everyone in the world desires victory. No one desires defeat. All crave for wealth, no one craves for poverty. But, how should one achieve victory and wealth? There is no need to undergo threefold struggle - physical, mental, intellectual - to achieve victory.  Nor one need get perturbed or anxious or pine for wealth and prosperity. Take refuge in the Lord.  Wield the bow of courage by holding your heart pure. That is enough. Victory and wealth will be yours. As you pursue victory and wealth, remind yourself that they are like your shadows, not substantial things in themselves. You cannot attain your shadow, even if you pursue it for a million years.

-Vidya Vahini, Chapter IX

Love is the solvent for the hardest of the hearts. - Baba

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Sai Inspires - 25th May 2010 from Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

What is the importance of selecting and sticking onto a single Name and Form for meditation?  Swami elucidates clearly to  us today.

Have you read the article,
"My Visit to Heaven"?

Click here to read now.


Sai Inspires - 25th May 2010


One has to be careful in matters relating to realization of God. Whatever inconveniences one may encounter, one must try to carry on one's Sadhana (spiritual practice) without any break or modification in the discipline. One single name that does not give any slightest feeling of dislike or disaffection should be selected for meditation and repetition. One should not constantly change the Name and the Form that one has loved and cherished, and selected for repetition. Concentration is impossible if the Name is changed; the mind will not attain one-pointedness.

-Prema Vahini,  Chap.“The Qualities a Sadhaka should cultivate”.

The Name of the Lord is the surest raft to cross the ocean of birth and death. - Baba

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sai Inspires - 24th May 2010 from Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

What are the tips to lead life like a lotus blooming in the water? Swami teaches us a valuable lesson today.

Did you read Part 15 of
“Satyopanishad - Direct Directions
from the Divine”?

Click here to read now.


Sai Inspires - 24th May 2010

Faith is very important. When lust, anger and other evil qualities diminish and disappear, faith in the Eternal Self and in the rightness of spiritual inquiry will grow and get confirmed. Non-attachment is the very foundation for attaining the Universal Absolute. Even for a small structure, the foundation has to be stable and strong; else, it would fall in a heap pretty soon. To make a garland, we require a string, a needle and flowers; so too, when Jnana (wisdom) has to be won, the string of devotion, the needle of non-attachment and the flowers of steady, single-pointed focus are essential.

 -Vidya Vahini, Chap 9 .


Selfless service brings you nearer to me. - Baba

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sai Inspires - 23rd May 2010 from Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

As a spiritual aspirant, how should we look and behave in our daily lives? Our Loving Master explains to us in absolute clear terms today.

Have you read the panel discussion transcript "Hands that serve are holier than the lips that pray" from the archives section of H2H?

Click here to read now.


Sai Inspires - 23rd May 2010

As an aspirant, you should always seek the truthful and joyful, and avoid all thoughts that are sad and depressing. When your devotion is well-established, even if depression, doubt or conceit appears, you can easily discard them. It is best that as an aspirant, you are joyful, smiling and enthusiastic under all circumstances. This pure attitude is more desirable than even devotion and wisdom. If you are worried, depressed or doubting, you can never attain Bliss, no matter what spiritual practice you perform. Hence, the first task of an aspirant is the cultivation of enthusiasm. Never get inflated when you are praised, never get deflated when you are blamed. You must analyze yourself and correct your faults. Be a spiritual Lion.

- Prema Vahini, "The Harvest of a Sadhaka".


True Happiness is Union with God. - Baba

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Sai Inspires - 22nd May 2010 from Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

What is the purpose of listening to discourses?  Swami explains and implores us to learn from them today.

Have you read the article  "Serve Man Until You See God In All Men" 
at our site

Click here to read now.


Sai Inspires - 22nd May 2010


These days, listening to lectures and discourses has become just a fad, a craze.  When they have been heard once, people imagine they have known all. Do not rest content with mere listening to advice. What you have listened to must later be contemplated upon and what has thus been imprinted on the mind has later to be experienced and expressed in thought, word and deed. Only thus can the Truth be a treasure in the heart; only then can it flow through the veins and manifest in full splendour through you.

  - Vidya Vahini, Chap 9.

All are One.  Be alike to everyone. - Baba

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sai Inspires - 21st May 2010 from Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

What are the subtle traits of a Sadhaka or Bhaktha? Swami reveals important truths and coaches us in our journey to God.

Did you read Part I of the section 
"The Irressistible and Insatiable Experience"?

Click here to read now.


Sai Inspires - 21st May 2010

If Vedanta (Vedic Philosophy) is spoken parrot-like to others without any attempt to put it into practice in one's own conduct, it is not just deceiving others but deceiving oneself, which is even worse. Therefore, you must be as you want others to be. It is not the nature of a sadhaka (spiritual aspirant) to search for faults in others and hide his/her own. If your faults are pointed out to you by anyone, do not argue and try to prove that it is right or do not bear a grudge against him/her for it.  Reason out within yourself how you are at fault and set right your behaviour. Instead, rationalizing for one's own satisfaction or wreaking vengeance on the person who pointed it out - these are certainly not the traits of a sadhaka or bhaktha (devotee).

   - Prema Vahini, Chap "The Harvest of a Sadhaka".


The end of education is character. - Baba

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