Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sai Inspires - 29th July 2009 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

When does the Lord rise and shine within an individual? Swami kindly explains to us today.

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Sai Inspires - 29th July 2009

Sri Krishna (Divine Incarnation of Lord Krishna) was born as the eighth child of Devaki. This is  very significant to an aspirant to visualize the Divine present in themselves. Samadhi is the observance of the eight fold discipline - abstention from evil doing, observance, controlling breath and posture, withdrawal of mind from sense objects, concentration, meditation and absorption in the Self (Atma).  The Lord can be visualized only after the seven steps are successfully negotiated and the mind purified in the process. The term Samadhi represents the intelligence in grasping the fundamental equality of every being. Not only will all feelings of difference and distinction disappear, but even notions such as heat and cold, grief and joy, good and bad, become meaningless. When one reaches that state, the Lord is automatically born in their consciousness.

- Divine Discourse,  June 1, 1977.

Your Master is in your heart, where God resides.  Baba

With Love and Regards,
"Heart2Heart" Team.
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