Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Sai Inspires - 25th December 2008 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

What is the message we can learn from the Life of Jesus?  Swami explains to us very clearly today.

Did you read the Cover Story, 
"The Be-Attitudes of Jesus”
in the Dec issue of H2H?


Sai Inspires - 25th December 2008


Jesus was a Master, born with a purpose - His mission was to restore love, charity and compassion in the heart of everyone. He had no attachment to the self, nor paid any heed to joy or sorrow, loss or gain. He had a heart that responded to the call of anguish and he went about the land preaching the lesson of love. His life was dedicated for the upliftment of humanity...When Jesus proclaimed that he was the Messenger of God, he wanted to emphasise that every one is a messenger of God and has to speak, act and think like one.

- Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 14, Ch 16,   25-Dec-1978.

"To attain"J-O-Y", you must put Jesus first, Others Next, You Last.  This is the secret to live joyfully!"  - Baba."

With Love and Regards,
"Heart2Heart" Team.
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