Thursday, October 04, 2007

Sai Inspires - 5th October 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

What should be our vision in life? How can we find fulfilment in life? Swami tells us today.

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"Learning to Love."

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Sai Inspires - 5th October 2007

Do you intend to be in society? Do you crave to serve it and be served by it? Then, seek the God in all; see the same in all. Yearn to worship that God by selfless service. That alone makes you a true limb of society. If you feel separate, distinct, outside and beyond society, you will run after name and fame, you will be enslaved by hate and partiality, and ruined in the end. So, cast out those evil attitudes; feel that you are giving society what is its due, offering God His own gift of skill and intelligence. Vow to serve, to dedicate. Cultivate Love; society is the reflection of the God you adore, the God whose nature is bliss. Transform yourself into Love, and become bliss. Adore society as the Divine Body; that is the Truth, the eternal vision.

- Divine Discourse, October, 1971.


You are all caskets of Divine Love; share it, spread it,
express that love in acts of service, words of sympathy and acts of compassion. - Baba
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