Friday, June 09, 2006

Sai Inspires - 9th June 2006 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Prashanti Bulletin is updated till 8th June 2006.

Swami beautifully explains today the relationship between virtues, good health and youthfulness.

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Sai Inspires - 9th June 2006

Illness, both physical and mental, is a reaction on the body caused by poisons in the mind. An uncontaminated mind alone can ensure continuous health. A vice breeds disease. Bad thought, bad habits and bad company are fertile grounds in which disease thrives. A sense of elation and exultation keeps the body free from ill-health. The evil habits in which people indulge, are the chief causes of disease, physical as well as mental. Greed affects the mind; disappointments make people depressed. You can justify your existence as a human being only by the cultivation of virtues. Then you can become a worthy candidate for Godliness. It is progress in virtue that announces the progress of man towards divinity. Virtues also confer freshness, skill and long years of youthfulness.

- Divine Discourse, 13th July 1980.

The body will shine if the character is fine.
Service of man and worship of God will preserve its charm. - Baba
With Love and Regards,
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