Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Sai Inspires - 17th May 2006 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team. 

Swami today tells us about the transforming power of prayer.


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That One Needs"?

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Sai Inspires - 17th May 2006

Even the slimy slush of the gutter has the opportunity of turning into pure water again. For, when the sun shines, it can rise as water vapor into the clouds and regain its pristine nature. To cleanse the mind, prayer is the water and repetition is the soap.

- Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 4, pg. 243.

Prayer must come from the depths of feeling; the Lord looks for bhava (sincerity of feeling),
not bahya (outward pomp). - Baba

Sai Ram Dear Subscriber!

Here is an important news.

As you are aware, for quite some time now, totally unfounded, despicable, pernicious and absolutely false rumours have been circulating about our Beloved Swami. Not only have these rumours been spread through e-mails and the internet, but some unscrupulous TV channels have enough gone so far as to fabricate so-called documentaries and aired them in many countries.

Over the years, we have received from devotees across the world, many e-mails and letters expressing deep distress and anguish. In respect of spreading falsehood, the notorious BBC documentary appears to have hurt most.

We now have some very good news for all devotees, especially for those who for years have been suffering the pain of seeing all these rumours and false allegations being eagerly lapped up by the gullible.

The news is this:

The young man who made most of these allegations against Swami and who was the star accuser in the malicious and vicious BBC documentary, filed a case in California in January, 2005.

The case was set for hearing on April 28 th, 2006.

During the handling of the lawsuit, witnesses were identified and interviewed, who were present in Prashanti Nilayam, when the molestations alleged by the plaintiff were supposed to have taken place.

One of the witnesses, Mr. Kreydick was examined by lawyers and the proceedings were recorded on video tape. This happened on March 16 th, 2006 . Subsequently, the video deposition was made into a typed deposition, which Mr. Kreydick signed on April 7 th, 2006 . He also issued a personal statement to the effect that although he originally believed in the allegations made against Sai Baba, he later discovered that there were many critical discrepancies and contradictions in the allegations made by the plaintiff and the anti-Sai community in general. His said that all these allegations had a hidden bias. He therefore retracted his earlier position in support of the allegations.

This marked the turning point. The young man who filed the complaint then dismissed his own lawsuit on April 19 th, 2006.

The case was then dismissed with prejudice. It means no damages to the plaintiff, and that the case can never be filed again in any court in America or in India.

Yes, dear Subscriber! Truth always triumphs!!

Please spread the good news to all you know and do everything you can so that Sai devotees everywhere hear this news immediately and rejoice.

The message that has come out, loud and clear is that TRUTH ALWAYS TRIUMPHS, though it takes its own sweet time to do so.

Soon, Radio Sai and H2H will bring to you a special feature giving you all the details of this glorious triumph.

Meanwhile, rejoice.

Once again, we request that you share this good news with as many as you can.

Let it spread like wild fire, burning away all the residual doubts and misgivings.

Thank you and JAI SAI RAM.
With Love and Regards,
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