Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - April 01, 2011

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Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team!

Why is it important for us to follow our Dharma? Swami guides us today.

Featured on Radio Sai:
"Fleeting Moments - Lasting Memories - Reflections of former Sai students - Ms. Siloni Sood - Part 1

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"Sai Baba Avatar - A Perception"?

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Sai Inspires - April 01, 2011

It is important that you should not become a victim of the six inner enemies, which are Kama (desire), Krodha (anger), Lobha (greed), Moha (attachment), Mada (pride) and Matsarya (jealousy). Then, you can experience peace and love. Everyone should perform their duties meticulously and adhere to Dharma (the right code of conduct). Even an ant follows its Dharma. Wherever it finds food, it carries it to its place and consumes it. It does not harm anybody, nor does it steal anything from anyone. All the birds and animals follow their natural Dharma and conduct themselves accordingly. The path of Dharma is fundamental for all, right from a cheema (ant) to Brahma (the Creator). The sa me principle of Truth is present in both.

- Divine Discourse, March 30, 2006.


Be good, See good and Do good.  This is the way to God. - BABA

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - March 31, 2011

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Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team!

What are the characteristics of the Divine Self? Swami enlightens us today.

Featured on Radio Sai:
"Conversation with Dr. Nadana Chandran - prominent neurosurgeon from Australia

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"Heart2Heart Quiz
on Divine Love"?

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Sai Inspires - March 31, 2011


Paramatma (Supreme Divinity) has six chief characteristics: Supreme wisdom, complete renunciation, divine beauty, the fullest splendour of power, undiminished fame, and inexhaustible fortune. Its nature is Sat (existence), Chit (knowledge) and Ananda (bliss). These qualities are related to everyone through the Atma. So all of you have the right to realize and enjoy these characteristics and this exalted nature. It is your ordained duty. The travails of the world today are due to humanity not performing this prescribed task.

- Dhyana Vahini, Chap 5, "Cultivate the Blissful Atmic Experience".

God is Love.  Love is God. - BABA

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - March 30, 2011

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Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team!

How to make God happy? Swami explains to us today.

Featured on Radio Sai:
"Tryst with Divinity - 05 - Conversation with Ms. Dana Gillespie - Part 2

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Have you read the new article,
"Lessons from the
Divine Banker"?

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Sai Inspires - March 30, 2011


God's happiness lies in the happiness of all. God does not need anything special for Himself. If you are truly happy, God will be happy. Whatever you do, let it be for the peace, welfare and happiness of all beings. God will surely bestow happiness upon you by correcting and forgiving your faults. You must live in unity and love. You have learnt that there are Panchapranas (Five Vital Airs) within every living being, i.e., Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udana and Samana.  In reality, the Panchapranas are nothing but Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non-Violence. Where there is truth, there will be righteousness. Where there is righteousness, there will be peace. Where there is peace, there will be love. Where truth and love coexist, everything else will be added unto that person.

- Divine Discourse, 20 Mar 2007.

You will always find happiness in unity, never in diversity. - BABA

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - March 29, 2011

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Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team!

Why should we believe in the innate Divinity present within us and in everyone around us? Swami reminds us today.

Featured on Radio Sai:
"Conversation with Dr. Venkat Kanubadi

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Sai Inspires - March 29, 2011

The Jagat or Cosmos was created by God out of Himself. Therefore, He is the originator as well as the material of the Cosmos. He is Paripoorna (full and complete). And as a result, the Creation is also full and the Individual Atma is also full. However, the innate and genuine truth and wisdom of an individual may sometimes be hidden by evil thoughts and deeds. Those acts and practices that can disclose the native splendour and glory of the Atma are termed as good deeds and practices.

- Sathya Sai Vahini, Ch 9, "One with the One".


The easiest and most fruitful method of keeping yourself free from dust and rust is satsang (good company). - BABA

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - March 28, 2011

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Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team!

Why should we engage in good and selfless acts? Swami guides us today.

Featured on Radio Sai:
"Fleeting Moments - Lasting Memories - Reflections of former Sai students - Mr. Karthik Prashanth

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Did you read the article
"Resurrection and Reincarnation - Born Not to
be Born Again"?

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Sai Inspires - March 28, 2011

“We have helped the helpless, so our path will be smooth and safe. We have uplifted the downtrodden, so we can avoid troubles on our path. We have busied ourselves in singing the Lord’s Glory in chorus (bhajan), so we are sure of Heaven”— these are the calculations of some people who engage themselves in ‘good acts’. When such people give up their bodies, their soul reaches Chandra Loka (region of the Mind) as a Deva (angel).  Residence in that Loka (region) is the reward they have secured for their good deeds in the past. When the joy emanating from the good deeds is experienced and finished, the balance of the consequences accumulated has to be suffered, and so the soul comes back to earth as a human. Therefore, one has to engage in charitable acts and attain the highest good, cleansing one’s heart in the process. Once this happens one reaches Brahma Loka (the region of Brahma) from where there is no coming back.

- Sathya Sai Vahini, Chap 8, "Bondage".

There is no greater example of selfless service than Nature. - BABA

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - March 27, 2011

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Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team!

What are the pre-requisites to the get the knowledge of the Self? Swami lovingly explains today.

Featured on Radio Sai:
"Sai Parenting - 03 -
Tween to Young Adult

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Did you read the article
"Love Shines Through"?

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Sai Inspires - March 27, 2011


The Atma is also known as Brahman, so learning the Atma Vidya (Atmic knowledge) is to be considered the main objective by every student. Students who yearn to acquire this knowledge have to earn some primary qualifications. They are: Viveka (discrimination), Vairagya (renunciation), and the zeal to ensure that all evil propensities are uprooted within themselves. Only then do they deserve the status of being a student. Aspirants who possess a good character through these qualifications can confidently hope to attain the Atma without much difficulty.

- Dhyana Vahini, Chap 5, "Cultivate the Blissful Atmic Experience".

The essence of all the Puranas and Vedas is ‘Do good to others and keep away from doing harm to anyone'. - BABA

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - March 26, 2011

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Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team!

Why is it so important to learn and understand the Vedas? Our Loving Master teaches us today.

Featured on Radio Sai:
"Sai Parenting - 02 -
Ages 6 through tweens"

Click here to listen now.

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"The Quintessence of the Vedas in Sai Teachings"?

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Sai Inspires - March 26, 2011

The Vedas have infinite depth of meaning. All may not be able to comprehend the inner meaning of the Vedic teachings. The earth's gravitational force existed even before it was discovered by Newton after rigorous experimentation. Similarly, the eternal truths hidden in the Vedas were perceived by the rishis (seers) after intense penance and sadhana (spiritual austerities). Unless one practises their teachings, one can never find happiness or peace. In order to realize the Divine, you have to practise the precepts prescribed in the Vedas. No doubt, even listening to the recitation of the Vedas is itself capable of purifying your mind and elevating you to a higher level. For, it is Shabdha Brahman (God embodied as sound). If you ruminate over them and practise their teachings in your life, you can imagine the magnitude of the bliss you will attain.

- Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol-26, Ch-33.


The essence of all the Puranas and Vedas is ‘Do good to others and keep away from doing harm to anyone'. - BABA

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - March 25, 2011

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Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team!

What is the key experience we should cultivate? Our Loving Master teaches us today.

Featured on Radio Sai:
"Sai Parenting - 01 -
Pre-natal to age 5"

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Did you read the article
"Teach Children the Joy of Giving"?

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Sai Inspires - March 25, 2011

People are engaged in various forms of self-cultivation, but the most important of these is the cultivation of spiritual experiences. All refinement is based on spiritual development. It is the king of cultures. The king makes laws, but he is above and beyond them. So too, all rules and laws, all distinctions of right and wrong, of sin and virtue, of joy and sorrow affect only the jivi (individualized soul) that attaches importance to the inexperienced manas (mind) and buddhi (intellect) and not to the Atma. So, cultivation of the Atmic experience, which is pure, self-evident, and transcendental is essential for all. It is also easy, for the Atma is like the mother of all, and listening to the Atma is like the child listening to its mother. Everyone is competent to have that experience; in fa ct, it is everyone’s right to have it!

- Dhyana Vahini, Chap 5, "Cultivate the Blissful Atmic Experience".


Love is the ceaseless flow of Divine Effulgence. Sages called this Atma, the indwelling Divinity. - BABA

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - March 24, 2011

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Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team!

Swami today enlightens us about the journey of our soul.

Featured on Radio Sai:
"Talk by Mr. Leonardo Gutter addressing a Sai Retreat in Chicago on September 2, 2007"

Click here to listen now.

Did you see the story
"The Bread from the
Flour of Love"?

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Sai Inspires - March 24, 2011


We cannot think without words. Words are the essential material for thought. When the individual drops the body, the words enter the mind; the mind enters the Prana or the Life Force and the Prana merges in the Atma. When the Atma (individual soul) liberates itself it rushes to Surya Loka, the region of the Solar Principle. From there, it reaches Brahma Loka, the region of Brahma, the Supreme One. Having reached that region, the jivatma (individualized Atma) has no more concern with Prakriti, or the objective world. It will exist there till the end of time. It will experience boundless delight and have all powers except the powers of creation.

- Sathya Sai Vahini, Chap 8, "Bondage".

Water flows from a higher level to the lower levels. God’s grace too is like that.
It flows down to those who are bent with humility.- BABA

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