Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 1st October 2010


Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

Why should we work for the harmony of all religions? The Divine Master kindly reveals to us today.

Have you read the article,
"Serve Man Until...You See
God in all Men"?

Click here to do it now.


Sai Inspires - 1st October 2010

Today, the experience and wisdom of great seers who have unveiled the mystery of the cosmos and their feelings of universal love are not appreciated, accepted, and respected. All religious dogmas, except a few, can easily be harmonized and reconciled.  The same God is extolled and adored under various names through varied ceremonial rituals in many religions. In every age, for every race, God has sent prophets to establish peace and goodwill. Presently, many religions have spread far and wide across the world and have lost fraternal feelings over time. There is an urgent need for harmony. All great people are images of God. There is only one single caste in the realm of God and all belong to one nation, the Divine Fellowship.  You must interest yourself in understanding the practices and beliefs of the others. Only then you can, with cleansed mind and loving heart, attain the Divine Presence.

-Sutra Vahini, Chap 3, "Harmony of all religions".


See Good, Be Good and Do Good.  This is the way to God. - Baba

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 30th September 2010

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

What is the root cause of anxiety and calamity? Swami patiently explains to us today.

Did you read the article,
"Guru Nanak and Moola"?

Click here to read now.


Sai Inspires -30th September 2010


The root cause of all anxieties and calamities of man is envy. We can find from the Bhagavad Gita that Krishna warns Arjuna repeatedly to be free from this negative trait. Envy is invariably accompanied by hatred. These two are twin villains. They are poisonous pests. They attack the very roots of one’s personality.  A tree may be resplendent with flowers and fruits. But when the inimical worms set to work on the roots, imagine what happens to the splendour! Even as we look on admiringly at its beauty, the flowers fade, the fruits fall off and the leaves turn yellow and are scattered by the wind. At last, the tree itself dries up, it dies and falls. So too, when envy and hatred infect the heart and set to work, h owever intelligent and highly educated the individual may be, he falls. He is turned into an enemy of society. He becomes the target of ridicule because he is no longer human!


-Vidya Vahini, Chap 27.

Start Early, Drive Slowly, Reach Safely- Baba

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 29th September 2010

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

What is a simple yet powerful tool in our journey to God? Swami kindly reveals to us today.

Did you read the article,
"Are You a Doctor"?

Click here to read now.


Sai Inspires - 29th September 2010


Withdraw your mind from worldly thoughts and fix it on the Name of the Lord, Hari, who charms all hearts. Listen to the wisdom of the Divine, the Bhagavatha Thathwa with all your heart. There is no activity holier than that. There can be no greater spiritual exercise or discipline or vow. The human body is a worthy boat. The story of Lord Hari is the rudder in this world of constant change.  Lord Hari is the boatman who will safely ferry you across Samsara, the sea of birth and death.

- Bhagavatha Vahini, Chap 27, "Enter Sage Suka".

The Name of the Lord is the surest raft to cross the ocean of birth and death. - Baba

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 28th September 2010

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

What is an effective way to earn respect in society? The Divine Master lovingly explains us today.

Did you read the article,
"When Tests Become His Taste..."?

Click here to read now.


Sai Inspires - 28th September 2010


We may not always be able to know the reasons for our faith. It originates and is shaped by our personal likes and dislikes, our dominant feelings. But we must not become the target for anger, hatred, jealousy and the evil deeds they lead us into. We must cultivate broad, inclusive feelings. Only then are you entitled to acquire Vidya (higher learning), and you will earn respect in society. You must keep far away from narrow selfish thoughts, feelings and plans.

Vidya Vahini, Chap 16.

Make the world a happy home of love. - Baba

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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 27th September 2010

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

Why should we treat work as worship? Swami lovingly explains in simple terms to us today.

Did you read the article,
"Conversations With Sai, Part-28"?

Click here to read now.


Sai Inspires - 27th September 2010

The scriptures are as affectionate to us as a mother is. They teach lessons as a mother does to her children, in conformity with the level of intelligence and according to the needs of time and circumstance. A mother with two children gives the strong and healthy one every item of food for which it clamours, but she takes great care not to overfeed the ailing child and gives it only those items that can restore it soon to good health. Can we, on that account, accuse her of being partial to one and prejudiced against the other in conferring love? The scriptures draw the attention to the secret and value of work (Karma). Work can improve life and set its ideals aright. Everyone must be instructed on how to transform work into beneficial activity. Yet, Karma is not all; it is only the means to the end. Advocacy of Karma is not the chief goal of the scr iptures.

-Sutra Vahini, Chap 4, "Transform work into dedication".

Start the day with Love, Fill the day with Love, End the day with Love.  This is the way to God. - Baba

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 26th September 2010

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

Why should we not mirror others' behaviour when we get hurt? Swami reminds us of our fundamental nature today.

Did you read the article,
"The Wonder Years"?

Click here to read now.


Sai Inspires - 26th September 2010


The ideas and pronouncements of others may often be personal, or may induce feelings of hatred between people. Why should we accept them as ours and mould our feelings accordingly? We should not try to shape our feelings and patterns of behaviour to conform to those of others. We must not relinquish our faith, our experience and our innate holiness. Born as human beings, moving about as educated persons, yet foolishly following others as sheep do and polluting the minds with ideas borrowed from others are things to be avoided.

 - Vidya Vahini, Ch 16 .

Selfless service brings you nearer to me. - Baba

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Friday, September 24, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 25th September 2010

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

How much does the Lord bend, to serve His dearest devotee? Swami elucidates clearly to us through Bhagavatha today.

Have you read the new article,
"Radio Sai Study Circle - I"?

Click here to read now.


Sai Inspires - 25th September 2010


During the war, the palms of Lord Sri Krishna, soft and tender like lotus petals, developed boils all over, since the steeds strained their hardest, when they were restrained or controlled as He had to hold the reins tight. The Lord devoid of food and sleep, performed services both high and low, and kept ready both horses and chariot in perfect trim. He also went on various other sundry errands, which were fundamental to achieving victory. He bathed the horses in the river, attended to their wounds and applied balm to cure them. Basically, He acted as a servant in the household of Pandavas! He never assumed the role of the Universal Sovereign that is His real nature and status. That was the measure of His affection for those devoted to Him!

- Bhagavatha Vahini, Ch 22.

I am in you, around you, above you, leading, guarding and guiding you all the time. - Baba

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 24th September 2010

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

What is the most desirable of all?  Swami lovingly explains and motivates us today.

Did you read the article,
"Called Back to Life"?

Click here to read now.


Sai Inspires - 24th September 2010


It is an arduous process for people to become aware of the One that is their core. People are of the essence of food (Annam). The gross body is the product of the food consumed. But within everyone there is a subtler force, an inner vibration named Vital Air (Prana). The mind (Manas) within is subtler still, and deeper and subtler than the mind is the intellect (Vijnana). Beyond the intellect, people have in them the subtlest sheath of spiritual bliss (Ananda). When people delve into this region of spiritual bliss, they can experience the reality, the Brahman (Divinity). That Divine awareness is indeed the most desirable.

- Sutra Vahini, Ch 3, "Bliss is the Core of  five vital sheaths"

Love is the solvent for the hardest of the hearts. - Baba

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 23rd September 2010

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

What is the barometer of a good human being?  Our Loving Master reminds us of the fundamentals  today.

Have you read the article,
"Gita For Children, Part-36?

Click here to read now.


Sai Inspires - 23rd September 2010


Keep the mind and the intellect serene and sacred, free from dirt. When thoughts and feelings are impure and agitated, you cannot be calm and happy. When the mind is polluted, so are our reactions. To keep the mind clean, you must analyse sympathetically situations involving others and their activities, and then decide on how to react to them. You should not rush to draw conclusions. Adopting the reactions of others is certainly not desirable. You must resolve on any action only after intelligent discrimination and inquiry. “Some course of action is being followed by someone; so, we shall follow that course ourselves” - this  attitude is mean and demeaning, it is a sign of weakness. It is the consequence of basic ignorance. Only sheep behave in that manner.

- Vidya Vahini, Ch 16.

The end of education is character. - Baba

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 22nd September 2010

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

What is the most important lesson the scriptures teach us?  Swami lovingly explains to us today.

Have you read this article,
"Determination Was Her
Middle Name - Helen Keller"?

Click here to read now.


Sai Inspires - 22nd September 2010


The shastras (scriptures) direct and counsel everyone. People yield to delusion and become one with the darkness caused by false values and attachment to the unreal - the “me” and “mine”. But scripture is the mother; she does not give up. She persists and pursues; she reminds people of their goal in order to ensure that they will be saved.  One need not drink the entire ocean to know its taste; placing just one drop on the tongue is enough. Similarly, it is impossible to understand all the contents of the scriptures. It is enough if one grasps the important lesson that is elaborated therein and puts that lesson into practice. The lesson is: Constant thought of God.

  - Sutra Vahini, Chap 3, "The Vedas teach the constant thought of God".

 God is Love.  - Baba

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 21st September 2010

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

What is the reward for selfless service? The Divine Master reveals to us today.

Have you read the article,
  "Are You a Doctor"?

Click here to do it now.


Sai Inspires - 21st September 2010


Engage yourselves in selfless service. The reward for it will come of its own accord. Do not have any doubts on this score. Whatever you undertake, do it with all your heart and to your full satisfaction. That satisfaction is all the reward and recompense that you will need. It will confer great strength on you. This is the virtue that you have to cultivate. Acquire this true wealth. Without goodness, all other riches are of no avail.

-Divine Discourse, 11th March 1994.

See Good, Be Good and Do Good.  This is the way to God. - Baba

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