Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 1st August 2010

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Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

What is the meaning of true devotion? Swami explains today.

Have you read the article,
"From Cardiac Blues to the
Family's Blue-eyed Boy" ?

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Sai Inspires - 1st August 2010

True devotion consists in offering all your thoughts and actions to God and yearning for His grace. Devotion confined to a brief spell in the pooja room (shrine) or temple is not true devotion. During that time, devotion seems to swell within you and you feel at peace but, once outside, the peace is lost and anger takes its place. This cannot be called devotion. Bhakti (Devotion) has been described as a state of non-separation from God. Regardless of time, space or circumstance, one should feel closeness to God – that is Bhakti. True devotion transcends the limitations imposed by one’s daily routines and the obligations of life.

- Divine Discourse, March 6, 1989.


See Good, Be Good and Do Good.  This is the way to God. - Baba

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Friday, July 30, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 31st July 2010

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Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

What is the sweetness that we should pursue in our life? Swami explains today.

Have you read the article
"Conversations with Sai, Part-27"
at our site

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Sai Inspires - 31st July 2010

The story of the Lord's adventures is all nectar. It has no other component, content or taste. Everyone can drink their fill from any part of that ocean of nectar, just as sugar is sweet irrespective of whether it is eaten during the day or night. For, it is day or night only for the person who eats, not for the sugar. Sugar behaves uniformly always. So too, the love of God and the love for God are both eternally sweet and pure, whatever the method of accepting or attaining them. The same sweetness exists, everywhere, at all times, in every particle.

- Bhagavatha Vahini, Chap 1, "The Bhagavatha"


Laziness is rust and dust.  Realization is rest and Best. - Baba

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 30th July 2010

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Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

What is the crucial role played by a Guru in the life of a disciple? Swami lovingly shows the path to us today.

Did you read the article,
"Musings on Awareness, Part-6"?

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Sai Inspires - 30th July 2010


It is a very difficult task to secure a good Guru. Sishyas (disciples) can become exemplary persons only when a real Guru accepts them. When pure-hearted, unselfish and non-egoistic students approach a Guru, the Guru exults in ecstatic delight. Parikshith, the Emperor, renounced everything and decided to realise God, and, right at that moment, Maharshi Suka appeared, to guide him straight to his goal. Similarly, when the good sishyas get good Gurus, they succeed not only in attaining Bliss but also in conferring peace, prosperity and joy upon the entire world.

-Vidya Vahini, Chap 12

Start Early, Drive Slowly, Reach Safely. - Baba

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 29th July 2010

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Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

What is the most important quality we must cultivate whether we practice any other spiritual discipline or not? Swami enlightens us today.

Did you read the article,
"Immeasurable Service
in a Mental Hospital"?

Click here to read now.


Sai Inspires - 29th July 2010


It is mentioned that "Success begets success." But how is success to be achieved and what is the success you should aim at? The Bhagavad Gita declares: Shraddhavan Labhathe Jnanam (The persevering seeker secures wisdom). This means that without perseverance and earnestness, no success can be achieved. Man is not able to make significant progress towards the Divine because of absence of strenuous striving in the spiritual sphere. Without spiritual practice, reading religious books and listening to spiritual discourses have no value. Study of scriptures and reciting God's names may be good acts in themselves. But, if there is no love, which is the basis of all sadhana (spiritual discipline), they are of no use.

- Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol-17, Ch-3.

Service is the best school for training in Leadership. - Baba

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 28th July 2010

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Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

Why is it super important to transform ourselves? What will be the result of such effort?  The Divine Master lovingly explains us today.

Did you read the article,
"Grow in Love - The Message
of Guru Poornima"?

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Sai Inspires - 28th July 2010


It is creditable if you behave as a human being and even more laudable if you behave as God would. But to behave as a demon or a beast is indeed despicable. Human beings were long born as a mineral, then became a tree; in the process of evolution, got promoted to an animal, and finally rose to the status of a human being. It is a matter of great shame if an individual slides into the nature of a beast or an ogre. One deserves praise only if one rises to the Divine status. That is the fulfilment of one’s destiny. Avoid contact with the vices and develop attachment to virtues. Transmute your heart into an altar for the Lord. Destroy all the shoots and sprouts of desire. Then, your heart will be sublimated into a ksheerasagara, the pure ocean of milk where Lord Vishnu reclines. Your heart will be transformed and you will di scover endless delight.

 - Bhagavatha Vahini, Chap 1, "The Bhagavatha" .

Make the world a happy home of love. - Baba

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 27th July 2010

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Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

What is the simplest way to observe penance in our daily lives? Swami lovingly explains a simple technique to us today.

Did you read the Prasanthi Diary article, "Soulful Drama and Heartfelt Singing by Russian Devotees"?

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Sai Inspires - 27th July 2010


Tapas (penance) does not mean positioning oneself upside down, head on the ground and feet held up like a bat. Nor is it the renunciation of possessions and properties, wife and children, emaciating one’s body or holding the nose to regulate one’s breath. Physical actions, oral assertions and mental resolves—all three have to be in unison. The thought, the speech and the act, all have to be pure. This is the real Tapas. And they have to be co-ordinated not by the compulsion of duty. The effort must be undertaken for satisfying one’s inner yearnings, for the contentment of the Self. This struggle is the essence of Tapas.

- Vidya Vahini, Chap 12.

Start the day with Love, Fill the day with Love, End the day with Love.  This is the way to God. - Baba

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 26th July 2010

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Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

How can we convert a fearful aspect in life to a powerful weapon for our liberation?   Swami lovingly explains and motivates us today.

Did you try the Multi-faith Quiz on Servitude to the Lord?

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Sai Inspires - 26th July 2010


The contemplation of death is the very foundation of spiritual discipline. Without it, you are certain to fall into falsehood, pursuing the objects of sense-pleasure and trying to accumulate worldly riches.  Death is no ominous calamity.  It is a step into the auspicious brightness beyond. It is inescapable; it cannot be bribed away or adjourned by certificates of good conduct or testimonials from the great. Once born, death is inevitable. You must perform deeds which breed no bad consequences. Engage every day in every activity as an offering to God. Then you need not taken repeated births and can escape death. This inquiry is the very core of spiritual path and will help you achieve immortality.

- Divine Discourse, Guru Poornima, 18 July 1970

Love is the solvent for the hardest of the hearts. - Baba

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 25th July 2010


Sai Inspires - 25th July 2010

Gu represents darkness and ru means to dispel. Therefore, Guru Poornima is the day when we decimate the darkness of our ignorance and fill it with joy and bliss. This is the true significance of Guru Poornima and not worshipping the feet or circumambulating or offering contributions to the gurus who give a mantra to recite or anything of that sort. Therefore, on this sacred day, we should strive to make the principle of our heart within poorna or full by contemplating on divinity, augmenting our purity, and sincerely endeavouring to understand our innate atmic principle.

- Divine Discourse, Guru Poornima July 13, 1984.

Read our special Guru Poornima article "Grow in Love - The Message of Guru Poornima"

Love All, Serve All.  Help Ever, Hurt Never. - Baba

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Friday, July 23, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 24th July 2010

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Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

What is the tipping point for society to live in peace? Swami points out the primary duties of everyone today.

Did you read the story,
"The Happy Prince"?

Click here to read now.


Sai Inspires - 24th July 2010

Today people have lost the precious virtue of fear of sin. It is only lack of fear of sin that is responsible for the present plight of society. People these days are committing several sins with the notion that God is kind and will ultimately forgive their sins. With this belief, they are indulging in increasingly more sinful acts. They have developed a sort of complacency and think that they can escape punishment. But the fact is otherwise. Though God is compassionate and may forgive all sinful acts, every human being has to necessarily pay for his/her sins. For morality to exist in society, fear of sin is essential. Hence everyone must develop the three qualities of:  love for God, fear of sin and morality in society.

 -Divine Discourse, Guru Poornima, July 6, 2009 .


Selfless service brings you nearer to Me. - Baba

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 23rd July 2010

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

Swami today reminds us about a primary duy of an educated person.

Have you read the article,
"The Matchless Cosmic Splendour"?

Click here to read now.


Sai Inspires - 23rd July 2010

You must learn how to make your parents happy. Today, parents are being treated like servants. Some parents are being admitted into old age homes, when there is shortage of money. This is not correct. It is your responsibility to look after your parents and provide necessary support to them. They should not be sent to old age homes. You must keep them with you and serve them. You need not prepare special items for their sake.  It is enough if you can give them what you are eating. Whatever job you take up, you must always serve your parents and make them happy. Serving your parents must be the greatest fortune you must aspire for. It is enough if you take care of your parents, children and family. That is the hallmark of real education.

- Divine Discourse, Guru Poornima, July 7, 2009.


Love All, Serve All.  Help Ever, Hurt Never. - Baba

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 22nd July 2010

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Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

What is the most powerful weapon we must treasure? Swami lovingly explains to us today.

Have you read the article,
"Let's Speak With Him"?

Click here to read now.


Sai Inspires - 22nd July 2010


Withdrawal from sensory objects is an important virtue. It implies a state of mind that is above and beyond all dualities that agitate and affect common people, such as joy and grief. Withdrawal from sensory objects can be achieved while engaged in day to day living. Do not look at the world with a worldly eye. Then, even you can escape from the opposites of grief and joy, and attain balance and equal mindedness. You experience the One as many because of the mind playing its games. Practice seeing everything as a projection/extension of the Loving Lord. Then, you will be able to cross the horizon of dualities into the region of One.

  - Sutra Vahini, Chap 1, "Six Primary Virtues".

I am with you, in you, behind you, above you, guarding and protecting you as the eyelid protects the eye.  - Baba

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 21st July 2010

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart team.

Why should installing Love in our Hearts be the foremost task? Swami explains clearly so that we may prioritize it in our lives.

Did you try the Multi-faith Quiz on Servitude to the Lord?

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Sai Inspires - 21st July 2010

Your very nature is Prema (Love). You cannot survive even for a moment when deprived of Love. It is the very breadth of your life. When the six vices to which you were attached so long disappear, Love becomes the only occupant of your heart. Love has to find an object, a loved one. It cannot remain alone. You will then direct it to the charming, sweet Lord, who is Purity Personified, who is the embodiment of service, sacrifice and selflessness and who has taken residence in the cleansed altar of your heart. Then, there will be no scope for any other attachment to grow. Step by step, this love for God will become deeper, purer, more self-denying, until at last, there is no need for thoughts, and the individual is merged in the Universal.

- Bhagavatha Vahini, Ch 1, "The Bhagavatha".


Love All, Serve All.  Help Ever, Hurt Never. - Baba

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