Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Sai Inspires - 1st August 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Prasanthi Bulletin is updated till 31st July 2007.

Swami tells us today how we can be at peace, always.

The August issue
of H2H is up!

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Sai Inspires - 1st August 2007

Faith in an Omnipresent God will sustain you when you are overwhelmed by the ups and downs of life. Cultivate devotion and dedication and you can be ever at peace with yourself and the world. For, then, you can fulfill your duties with joy and with all your strength.

- Divine Discourse, March 29, 1979.

For achieving anything in life, two things are essential: firm faith and pure love. - Baba
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Monday, July 30, 2007

Sai Inspires - 31st July 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

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Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Swami today enlightens us on an important truth.

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H2H Quiz?

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Sai Inspires - 31st July 2007

There is a Divinity, higher than humanity that is behind and beneath all man's activities. But, man is not aware of it and he fails to benefit by that awareness. His first task is to cognize this source of joy and peace. That Divinity is like the thread in which the flowers are strung; we see only the garland; we do not cognize that string that holds the flowers together and makes a garland out of a heap of blossoms. Mankind is strung together by this inherent Divinity.

- Divine Discourse, March 29, 1979.

Man is a spark of the Divine; he must manifest it in every activity of his, the Divine - Baba
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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sai Inspires - 30th July 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Prasanthi Bulletin is updated till 29th July 2007.

Saicast is updated with Gurupoornima 2004.

Swami cautions us today about two feelings that we must always be careful of.

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"Effective Healthcare Seva"?

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Sai Inspires - 30th July 2007

Just as one acquires wealth by the pursuit of agriculture, business or profession, one must acquire merit and Divine Grace by adhering to neethi (morality) and Dharma (righteousness). However, Dharma alone is not enough. While Dharma leads to right action, it is necessary also to acquire Jnaana. True knowledge consists in understanding the unity that underlies the Cosmos. All the sufferings and problems in life arise from the sense of duality. Once the feeling of 'I' and 'mine' is got rid of, Consciousness of the all-pervading Divinity will be realized.

- Divine Discourse, January 19th, 1984.

Service is the best cure for egoism. - Baba
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Sai Inspires - 29th July 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

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Loving sairam and greetings on the occasion of Guru Poornima, the day dedicated to the adoration of our preceptor.

Scroll Down to read our Sunday Special:

Who is our real Guru? Swami tells us today.

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"The Eternal Guru"?

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Sai Inspires - 29th July 2007

If you want to understand Divinity, you should have the firm faith that Divinity is everywhere. There is no place or object without Divinity. Guru Pournima means full moon without any defect or lacuna. Moon is nothing but mind. When the mind is completely perfect, it sheds light. Guru Pournima is not performed by circumambulation and offerings to the Guru. What is the real offering? It is the offering of one's love. To know that God exists everywhere is circumambulation. If you understand these terms, every day is Guru Pournima. There is only one Guru, that is God and there is no other Guru. Contemplate on that Guru.

- Divine Discourse, July 14th, 1992.

Be good, be serviceable, be useful, be kind, be God-fearing –
the confidence of the people will be yours. - Baba

Sai Ram. This Sunday, we bring you the important points made by Swami during His Divine Discourse, delivered while inaugurating the World Youth Conference on Thursday, 26 th July 2007 . The highlights are presented as bullet points. The full text of the Discourse would of course appear later in the SanathanaSarathi..

- Man is the pinnacle of Creation. That is why the scriptures declare: Jantunaam Narajanaman Durlabham, which essentially means that human birth is a rare blessing.

- Man being a part of Creation, he is composed of the very same five elements that make up the Universe. However, man is special, because he has something beyond the five elements namely, the power of Spiritual Discrimination.

- Today, the slogan is Knowledge is Wealth. But how far can worldly wealth take a person? Not very far, because even as worldly knowledge is rapidly advancing, Spiritual Discrimination is diminishing rapidly at the same time.

- Is this good? Not at all, since man, having lost his power of Spiritual Discrimination, is not able to see clearly the difference between good and bad. And when discrimination is lost, the practice of human values also declines sharply.

- Discrimination is therefore very important for man because worldly knowledge without Spiritual Discrimination amounts to nothing! When man loses the capacity to appreciate the vital need for human values, he becomes a zero.

- Man today is busy multiplying his wealth. But what about Spiritual Discrimination? Is he doing anything at all to improve it? None at all!

- Man is not spending even one minute to ask: “Why should I seek more wealth? Is more wealth good for me?” Instead, he is busy accumulating more and more wealth, all to no purpose.

- The Mind is the root cause of all these aberrations. The Mind mirrors human personality and behaviour.

- The Mind is very powerful and capable of enormous self-deception. When the Mind drags man deep into the trap of illusion, man loses the capacity to go the basics.

- : What is this? This is a piece of cloth. Where does cloth come from? From yarn. Where does yarn come from? From cotton. In this way, if we enquire deeply, we can go the root, to the basics.

- These days, man is no longer bothered about enquiring about his true roots and his true nature. As a result, man becomes deluded and develops false notions about his identity. The degradation of the environment is one result of wrong thinking and the absence of real discrimination.

- Who are you? You are not one person but three: The one you think you are, the one others think you are, and the one you REALLY are!

- In the Gita, the Lord says: Mamaivamso jeevalokhe sarvabutha sanathanaha, meaning essentially, “I pervade the entire Universe being immanent in every entity, animate and inanimate.”

- Divinity is your real root! Divinity is latent in man but what is the use? Man is doing nothing to make it patent or evident through his actions!

- Many seekers today say they are searching for God. But do you realise that you yourself are God?! Why then search for God?

- Man is unable to understand that he is verily the Spark of the Divine because his Spiritual Discrimination has become blunted.

- Spiritual Discrimination becomes blunted when man develops strong body consciousness, that is to say when man identifies himself with the body.

- Is it correct to identify yourself with your body? No, because the body lasts only till death; thereafter, it is returned to the elements. You are not just the body but something much more than the body! You are verily the embodiment of God and therefore eternal, immortal!

- People often say: “This kerchief is mine; this is my leg” and so on. What is the identity of this entity referred to via the words ‘my’ or ‘mine’?

- The ‘my’ and ‘mine’ are to not be associated with ego or the lower self but your Real SELF or the Higher Self. Ego is represented by ‘i’ while the Real Self is represented by ‘I’.

- Man is NOT the small ‘i’ but the BIG ‘I’! However, he wrongly identifies himself with the small ‘i’ because his Discrimination has become blunted.

- When Discrimination diminishes, ego asserts itself. But when Discrimination grows, ego diminishes. Thus, development of Buddhi goes hand in hand with the elimination of ego.

- Everything in the Universe is God. In fact, there is only God and nothing except God. : This table is God, this object is God, this stand is God.

- When we lose the power of Discrimination, we forget the immanence of God in everything in the Universe and become overwhelmed by the apparent diversity.

- There is no doubt an empirical diversity in the physical Universe. However, man must see beyond the apparent diversity and go to the roots. If he does so, he will see nothing but Unity, Purity and Divinity. If, however, his discrimination becomes blunted, he would see only the diversity that is superficial, and from this illusory perception, many problems follow.

- People say the world is full of problems. All problems arise from the process of Reflection, Reaction, Resound.

- Reflection, Reaction and Resound originate from man making the wrong identification. Man is not ‘i’ but ‘I’.

- When man makes the wrong identification of his nature, he becomes a prey to the senses, which then rapidly cause his downfall.

- Man must therefore not allow his senses to dominate his personality. Instead, he must ensure that the senses and the Mind follow his Heart, the seat of God within.

- There is a simple way of setting things right. First, have firm faith in God.

- Strong faith in God promotes Selfless Love.

- Where there is Selfless Love, there is Peace.

- Where there is Peace, there is Truth.

- And where there is Truth, there is God!

- You do not have to go here and there in search of God. You are yourself God! All you have to do is recognise that.

- Modern education encourages you to explore the outside world, in the process totally ignoring the infinite world within. Educare, on the other hand, takes you deep inside and helps you to bring forth what is latent within.

- People have all kinds of notions about Sadhana. In simple words, Sadhana makes patent what is already latent within.

- Many would tell you that are engaged in Sadhana. What is it that they do? They meditate, do Japam, and so on. All this is symbolism, not of much use except as a starting point. When overstressed, such drills become very artificial. Real Sadhana is that which helps to uncover your true nature as a Spark of the Divine.

- The artificiality of modern life has a lot to do with the excessive stress on Science. Science is below the senses whereas Spirituality is beyond the senses. When life is governed wholly by the sense-Mind combination, Buddhi becomes blunted. And when Buddhi is blunted, problems inevitably follow.

- To develop Buddhi, start with unshakeable Faith. If you do that, the road to God would automatically open up.

- Man today is busy wasting Time! Don’t do that! Do not waste Time for Time waste is life waste!

- Use every moment of your life to realise and recognise your true nature.

- If you make TRUTH the goal of your life, all problems would melt away!

- Man falls when he becomes weak. Man becomes weak when he forgets human values. Man forgets basic values when he wrongly identifies himself with the lower self or ‘i’, which is wrong!

- Love is all important in life but with wrong identification, Love becomes fragmented. Such fragmented love ceases to be pure, and is tainted by desire, attachment and so on.

- Love is ONE and NOT many! The fragmentation of love, so very common, is due solely to man being bound by body consciousness; it is due to wrong identification. All this happens because of the absence of Spiritual Discrimination.

- Making the wrong identification, man allows ego to dominate and Love to be fragmented. That is the root cause of all troubles the world is facing today.

- Avoid wrong identification and identify yourself with your true nature ‘I’. This would then help you to discover Peace, Love and Truth.

- Live always in Love. With the help of Pure Love, it is easy to experience God. No problem at all!

- There is nothing beyond Pure and Divine Love.

- Do not become a slave to ego and deny yourself the Bliss offered by Pure Love. Do not fall for the false allure of fragmented love, desire and attachment.

- Divine Love is vast, like an infinite ocean. It is something that must be experienced rather than just talked about.

We hope you would study carefully the points made by Swami and reflect on them. Remember, Arjuna got the Divine teaching only once and humanity is trying to get so much out of that one teaching. However, now in this Kali Age, the Lord is repeating again and again His Divine Message for our personal benefit, but are we devoting enough time to reflect upon and understand the vital importance of His teachings?

We seem to have so much time for so many things but have we got a minute for God?! Has not Swami said how we should spend time? Think about it!

See you again next week. Jai Sai Ram. H2H Team.

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Friday, July 27, 2007

Sai Inspires - 28th July 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Prasanthi Bulletin is updated till 26th July 2007.

Swami tells us today about the only way to lead a peaceful and God-filled life.

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"New Vision, New Life"?

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Sai Inspires - 28th July 2007

God is a Witness of the act-consequence chain. You can avoid the consequence by dedicating the act to God and abstaining from attachment. Only you have to be sincere in your surrender and in your detachment. For this you have to cleanse your heart and feelings through japa, smarana and dhyaana (recitation of God's Names, remembering God, and meditation on God). Without a pure heart and virtuous life, even though you may recite the Vedas you will benefit little from that.

- Divine Discourse, September 27th, 1979.

Love of the Divine is the only pure, unsullied, unchanging, enduring love. - Baba
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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Sai Inspires - 27th July 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

What can we realise divinity? Swami tells us today.

Did you read the cover story
"The Legend of Sai Geetha...
Unsurpassable and Eternal"?

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Sai Inspires - 27th July 2007

Today, it appears as if there is a revival of spiritual activity everywhere. Religious associations are coming up all over the world. But much of the activity of spiritual aspirants is motivated by self-interest. Devotees address prayers to God for the fulfillment of their material desires. All the study of scriptures is of little avail if genuine love of God does not flow spontaneously from the heart. It is only through such love that the Divine can be realized.

- Divine Discourse, January 19th, 1984.

Love knows no fear, no untruth, no anxiety, no grief. - Baba
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Sai Inspires - 26th July 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Prasanthi Bulletin is updated till 25th July 2007.

What is man's basic quality? Swami enlightens us today.

Did you read the article
"How to Raise Children With Discipline and Love"?

Click here to read now.

Sai Inspires - 26th July 2007

Just as burning charcoal, if it loses its heat, becomes mere charcoal; and a piece of jaggery, if it loses its sweetness, becomes a lump of clay; likewise man remains truly human only as long as he adheres to the Eternal Dharma (which is represented by purity in thought, word and deed - Trikarana Suddhi). Without this basic quality, man is only human in form and not his true nature.

- Divine Discourse, November 21st, 1990.

When the Love Principle is known and practised, man will be free from anxiety and fear. - Baba
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sai Inspires - 25th July 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Prasanthi Bulletin is updated till 24th July 2007.

Swami tells us today about the foremost criteria to win His grace.

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"Effective Healthcare Seva"?

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Sai Inspires - 25th July 2007

Develop faith in yourself and faith in God. This is the secret of greatness. Self-confidence today is manifest only in matters relating to worldly achievements and self-centered pursuits. Faith and confidence are not in evidence in the spiritual field. Without unwavering faith, the Divine cannot be experienced. In the absence of firm faith, the formal observance of spiritual practices yields no results. The primary requisite is unqualified and unshakable faith in God.

- Divine Discourse, October 6th, 1986.

If you have no steadfastness and no depth of faith, you can have no Grace. - Baba
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Monday, July 23, 2007

Sai Inspires - 24th July 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Swami explains today the true nature of devotion.

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"The Sai Movement in
Puerto Rico"?

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Sai Inspires - 24th July 2007

As long as God is regarded as different from the devotee, the true nature of Bhakti (devotion) cannot be understood. It is this feeling of difference which ultimately leads to loss of faith in God, despite the practice of bhajans, chanting, meditation and yoga. One who regards himself as different from God can never become a true devotee. He must consider himself Divine in substance, even as a spark is not different from the fire from which it came.

- Divine Discourse, August 27th, 1986.

It is not a sign of true bhakti (devotion) to expect that life should be
one unbroken chain of happiness and comfort. - Baba
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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sai Inspires - 23rd July 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

'Faith in God' - What does this really mean? Swami explains to us today.

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"A Lifetime of Love"?

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Sai Inspires - 23rd July 2007

Faith in God implies recognition of the Omnipresence of the Divine in the Universe and seeking to experience that Divinity within one's self. The Divine is One, though it may be called by many names. It must be realized that God is all-pervasive and nothing exists without the power of the Divine. One should not allow one's faith in God to be affected by the ups and downs of life. All troubles should be treated as tests and challenges to be faced with courage and faith.

- Divine Discourse, June 3rd, 1986.

For achieving anything in life, two things are essential: firm faith and pure love. - Baba
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Sai Inspires - 22nd July 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Prasanti Bulletin is updated till 21st July 2007.

Scroll Down to read our Sunday Special:

What is at the root of today's myriad problems? Swami tells us today.

Did you read the article
"In Search of Infinity, Part - 06"?

Click here to read now.

Sai Inspires - 22nd July 2007

Love is the form of the Brahman (Supreme). Love permeates Brahman. God can be attained only when love is merged with Love. There is nothing greater than Love in the Cosmos. Love is sweeter than nectar. It is because men have forgotten this love that they have become a prey to all kinds of ills and lost peace of mind.

- Divine Discourse, July 28, 1992.

Love, which is the gift of God, has to be shared with everyone in the world. - Baba

Loving Sai Ram and greetings from Prashanti Nilayam. Recently, with much fanfare and media-hype, Boeing unveiled its latest aircraft, Boeing 787, dubbed the Dreamliner. It is yet to fly but already, over five hundred of this type of aircraft have been sold to airlines all over the world. Sometime prior to this, the much-awaited Airbus 380 made its appearance and in fact even flew into India. While the 380 is HUGE – it is said that with economy class seating all through, it can carry about eight hundred passengers – the 787 has a capacity of only 300. However, its great virtue is that it is supposed to be highly fuel efficient; that is to say, it would emit much less carbon dioxide per passenger-mile as compared to any other aircraft on planet Earth right now.

Much was made of how “green” the plane is, how small a carbon footprint it leaves etc. Further, since it is very fuel efficient, it would cut down the cost of air travel, benefiting flyers; all very nice of course. However, the more thoughtful ones are asking: “Yes, this plane would pollute far less than those now flying and bring down the cost of flying. But then, that would encourage more people to fly which would not be so good. That is to say, even though in one trip the plane might pollute less, if the airlines decide to have many new flights to meet the increased demand , then one would be back to square one with as much pollution as at present if not more!”

This is a very real issue, and the question boils down to this: Does mere improvement in the efficiency of energy consuming gadgets help at all? People are talking of better and more energy efficient bulbs. Good, but if as a result people start having lots of bulbs all over the place, then as the population increases, the total energy demand might still be unacceptably high. Where does this leave us?

The issue before is Hamletian, if one can coin such a word! You recall of course the famous soliloquy, which goes like this:

To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing, end them?............

In a similar manner, our question really is: TO CONSUME OR NOT TO CONSUME! Unfortunately, a large section of the Western world is hooked on a have-the-cake-and-eat-it-too sort of approach. The idea seems to be: Let us be as green as possible but changing life style? That is out of the question.

Some thirty years ago, [before the economic boom in China, and later in India, Russia and Brazil plus a number of other smaller countries like Vietnam], the word used to be: “The rest of the world cannot and must not try to have the same standard of living as people in America do. There are not enough natural resources in the world for that. Europe to a certain extent and Japan in Asia could be exceptions; but others, they would have to settle for less.” There was not much protest, because there was at that time, no way really of catching up the Joneses.

The IT cum Globalization wave changed all that. Suddenly, China emerged from nowhere, and India which many until recently thought of as a country waiting to become a failed state, was becoming a “threat”! In fact, in one of his State of the Union Messages, President Bush made particular mention of India and announced the launch of a special initiative to keep America’s cutting edge sharp, so that it is not squeezed out by the competition.

All this is fine but what has it got to do with Hamlet on the one hand and the Dreamliner on the other?  Everything, and to understand that, we first draw your attention to an event that happened sometime ago in Peking University in Beijing [for those of you who do not know, Peking was the earlier name of Beijing; while the city has changed its name, the University has not. We believe it is the same with Bombay University though the city where it is located is now called Mumbai!]. The event we are referring to is a lecture given there to a distinguished audience by Professor Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University. In the course of his lecture, Professor Sachs warned how growth of technology is causing severe harm to the environment and how in this regard, China has to be particularly careful. During question time, a question was asked relating to the apparent conflict between growth and pollution. The discussion went like this:

YU YANG JIE: Professor Sachs, my question is about, to what extent should we protect the environment, because when there is a conflict between environmental protection and economic development, it's unwise and also impossible to totally stop the economic development for the sake of environmental protection. So my question is, how should we find the optimal balance between the two.

JEFFREY SACHS: The choice that sometimes puts economics versus the environment is largely mistaken in that the environment is part of the economic wellbeing, it's not in contrast to the economic wellbeing. Now let me say that choices that we actually face on how to use land, how to fish, how to use our energy resources, are less dire and less painful than we think, if we look closely at our real opportunities, especially with technology. I talked about the new kinds of sustainable energy systems that we can adopt at relatively low cost, but let me talk about another issue - massive over-fishing of the oceans, leading to a destruction of the fisheries. China is the pioneer now at a global scale of an alternative agriculture, so massive fish farming - and China farms perhaps eighty to ninety per cent of all of the world's fish now - that's a technology, farming the fish rather than depleting the oceans, that gives us hope.

Basically, Prof. Sachs places a lot of hope in technology and of course global co-operation . His view is that technology can solve problems and in short, 1) the West does NOT have to lower its standard of living, and 2) the presently less-developed countries can jolly well catch up using newer technologies that pollute far less. So, with new less polluting technologies, it is a win-win situation.

We are not at all convinced that this solution would work. The Dreamliner highlights how things could go wrong. Here we have a technological marvel – an aircraft that consumes less fuel, pollutes less, and promises low fares. Less cost would be very nice for airlines for they could have more services. Everything looks nice and cosy.

What about the other side of the picture? More travel means more airports since the present ones would be choked. More airports means more land for building airports; more energy consumption for making cement; more water for construction, more road traffic, more cars moving about, more hotels, etc., etc.

Is this really improvement? And what about the social impact? What about people moved out in order to build airports? In India, this is a big problem. Every project that leads to more urbanisation means loss of forests or grazing land or agricultural land. Is this good?

The issues are many and most people do not have the time or the patience to think them through. A few do though but their warnings are seldom heard. We prefer to consider all this via the prism of Swami’s teachings. In our view, it is time to take seriously Swami’s advice concerning ceiling on desires. If people decide to put a ceiling on their unnecessary wants and undesirable desires, then there can be a dramatic turn around on many fronts, ranging from pollution, all the way to crime and corruption.

Ever thought about it? Ever wondered why God has come in human form?

Many may say: "Well, ceiling on desires is nice to talk about but not practical." Suppose a person is very sick and there is a drug announced that holds promise. Would not the patient of his relatives give that drug a try? Where desires are concerned, have we even thought of placing a ceiling? Supposing we do a paper exercise in cutting down travel, energy consumption . And consider using the time that would now become available for doing good to Society. Don't you think much can be achieved?

Dear reader! We should not merely hear or read; we should of course do these both but also think. As Swami says first one must hear, then one must write it into the hard disc [i.e., store it in our memory], then recall and analyse and rewrite the conclusions back into the HD. This stored info must thereafter be recalled and used as appropriate. Swami uses three words in this context. Sravanam, Mananam, Nidhidhyasam, and compares this to putting the food into the mouth and chewing, then swallowing and thereafter digesting so that food becomes energy for sustenance.

Please think about today’s issues and how Swami’s teachings are very pertinent in relation to them. It is only if we do that that we would be able to take the first step. Remember, it is only when WE take one step that HE would take a hundred!

Thanks for being with us and giving us a bit of your time. God bless, Jai Sai Ram.

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